Friday, December 9, 2011

One whole year!

Happy Birthday, Jeremiah!! So crazy how fast a year can go.
He is getting pretty good at walking...he can make it about 5 or 6 steps. He definitley prefers crawling right now...he just wants to get where he is going!
Today was his first day with no morning nap...he did great! It has taken him about 45 minutes to fall asleep for his nap in the mornings, and he didn't sleep all that well in the afternoon so I figured it was time for a change!
Also, he has two molars coming in (that I can tell so far). I can't believe he gets so many teeth in at once. The six at one time had to have been painful.

And today Olivia is half way to FOUR!! She is such an amazing girl. We are working a lot on reading. She knows quite a few sight words and is getting good at trying to sound out other words. She can also write her name pretty well...I'm super impressed.

We have some new hope in the helicopter training for Joel. The school that is in Spokane doesn't take financial aid, which makes the $55,000 price tag even more overwhelming. But he found out a few days ago they just recently teamed up with a college in Moses Lake for the program and that school takes financial aid! Now we just have to figure out how were are going to get him there for classes when it is two hours away. But this is a step in the right direction!

Nannying is going well. I'm really thankful for the job, I'm glad I'm home by 9 and can spend my days with Olivia and Jeremiah. I am belieiving for a child that I can take care of at home too.
I was so sad, hurt, and blindsided so I didn't really have time to think about how everything would change. I miss getting to make breakfast with Olivia; I actually just miss our whole morning routine. But, God is providing and we'll eventually figure something else out!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Random Things I want to remember

Jeremiah took four steps by himself on Friday, Nov 18. He doesn't seem very interested in walking.

Olivia is becoming quite the gamer...she is always wanting to play Guess Who, Go Fish, Uno, or War. I LOVE getting to play with her.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Jeremiah is crawling. Kind of. He isn't up on his hands and knees...but he has a pretty impressive army craw going on. He either rolls to where he wants to be or squirms his way there on his tummy.
He is 7 1/2 months old... about the same age that Olivia started crawling! I can't believe how fast he is growing!
At his six month check up he was 17 lbs and I think like 26 inches. With how much he eats I was expecting him to be in like the 90th percentile for weight, but he was only in the 30th.

I wish I knew where our camera was so I could record him crawling and take pictures of him and Olivia playing together.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Happy Father's Day

Joel is an amazing dad. This year we got him a dry box from Cabelas for his ammo and stuff. Olivia did such a good just keeping it a secret all week.
Jeremiah started saying da da again just in time for Father's day. He started a few weeks ago, but then completely stopped for awhile. On Sunday it sounded a lot like he was saying "hey da da." So cute.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


On of his bottom front teeth broke through the gum a few days ago! He is taking teething GREAT!! He hasn't been fussy, he is still sleeping through the night and all of his naps. He is taking it like a man!! ha ha
I couldn't get a good picture of his tooth, but these are just too cute. I love that little guy.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Pin It!

I just started using Pinterest and I absolutely LOVE it. My bookmark folders are neverending, and this site is pretty much a bookmarking site but with pictures and you can see what your friends are looking at, too!
I could seriously spend hours and hours looking at all the stuff on there.

Monday, May 30, 2011


I finally got to meet my half sister Rachel on Saturday. We went to Wild Sage Bistro in was amazing. Pricilla's sister and husband were there and so were Pricilla's step-daughters Brittany and Ashley.
I wish I was better at small talk and had more to say.
Rachel is graduating on Wednesday and they invited us to her graduation BBQ, so I think that will be nice to get to talk to all of them more. I was sitting at the end of the table so I didn't really get to talk to Brittany or Ash very much and just a little with Rachel. Although I think that was mainly because we were both a little nervous (or at least I was).